ΠΑΝΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΟ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟ ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΝ ΕΚΔΗΛΩΣΕΩΝ 2019 (European Airshow Council Convention 2019)

Δημοσιευτηκε στις 01/03/2019, 09:06

Athens will be the place for the EAC Convention 2019 (28 Feb-2 March 2019)
We invite you to the 2019 EAC Convention, to be held over the 28 Feb.-2 March 2019, in Athens; We move to Athens for the 2019 Edition of the EAC Convention!. We are confident that the choice of venue will be an excellent host for the convention and that our high quality speakers will again, provide an interesting and informative insight into the Airshow Industry.We are privileged to welcome delegates and speakers from across the world, who are at the heart of the industry.

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